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Verifying your Email Address
We need you to verify your email address so we know that you can access your registered email account, and to confirm that the email address you entered doesn't belong to someone else. This process makes it harder for someone else to use your email address to create a playing account without your consent.
It also ensures that we can contact you regarding your account. We will use your email address to send you any information about your account, such as login or security information and updates on your withdrawals. Therefore you will need to verify your email address before you can request a withdrawal
How do I verify my email address?
It's quick and easy to verify your email address!
When you register or change your email address on our site, you will automatically be sent an email asking you to verify your email address. You can do this by clicking the link in the email. This will open a new webpage for you and confirm your email has been verified.
What to do if I have not received the verification email?
If you have not received the email, please check that you have provided us with the correct email address when registering. This can be checked by logging into your account and going to: My Account > My Details. If your email is showing incorrectly, please click 'Edit' to change the details, then click the 'Resend Email' button to resend the verification email.
Our verification email can sometimes be identified as Spam, so please check the Spam or Junk folder on your email account. Make sure we are on your 'Safe Sender' list or registered in your 'Address Book' in your email account to ensure that the email is not automatically blocked or deleted.