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Do I have to pay tax on my winnings?
All wagers resulting in a win of $1,200 or more on any of our online slot games or site-wide jackpots must be reported by us to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
If you have a win of $1,200 or more, beginning in the new year you can access it on our site once logged in by going to Wallet > W2G.
MONOPOLY™ Casino does not withhold any of your winnings to pay the IRS. Please be aware that we also cannot provide personal tax advice, and whether or not you are subject to tax on your winnings depends on your own individual circumstances.
Our Customer Support Team can provide you with a Win/Loss statement detailing your account activity for a requested period of time to help you when filing your year-end tax returns. Should you require this information, please do not hesitate to contact us via our 24/7 Live Chat service by phone between the hours of 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. or by email at
For further information on gambling winnings and tax, please visit the IRS site here.