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Game not loading
Why won't my games load?
We are sorry you are experiencing issues loading your game.
If you are located within New Jersey and still experiencing issues loading your game, there can be a number of reasons why you are having difficulties loading. Normally, these are caused by connection issues between your device and our servers.
We would recommend making sure you have the most up-to-date version on your device, as this can help resolve any connection issues you are having. Additionally, ensuring your Wi-Fi connection is stable and strong, along with Location Services being enabled on your device should help your games load.
The games start to load but the loading bar gets stuck. What is wrong?
When this happens, we recommend clearing your cache and cookies as continuous play can lead to data build-up and begin to slow down your device. If you are using the app or browser, please try to uninstall and reinstall the app.
For steps on how to clear your cache and cookies, please click here.
Our games also require a stable Internet connection. If the loading bar is going slowly or the game is not appearing once the loading bar has been completed, you may need to check your Internet connection speed.
Should the issue persist, please take a screenshot or provide details of any troubleshooting attempted to our Customer Support Team and we will be happy to further assist.