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Google Chrome
To clear cache and cookies on your Chrome browser, please follow these steps:
Chrome on Desktop
- Open Google Chrome.
- Click on the three vertical dots located in the top right-hand corner of your browser.
- Go down to 'Settings' and then 'Privacy and Security'.
- Click on 'Delete Clear Browsing data'
- Under Delete Browsing Date, select your desired 'Time Range' using the drop-down menu.
- Ensure that the first 3 options have checks beside them and click ‘Delete Data’.
Android Google Chrome
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app
- At the top right, tap More
- Tap History
Clear browsing data.
- At the top, choose a time range. To delete your entire history, select All Time.
- Check the boxes next to 'Cookies and site data' and 'Cached images and files'.
- Tap Clear data.
Once completed, we recommend refreshing your browser or closing all open windows and reopening your Chrome browser to begin a new session.