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Are all your games available on the App?
All of our games are available on Desktop.
For App and Mobile, each of our games needs to be adapted in order to work on your mobile device.
We are working as fast as we can to add all of your favorite games so please bear with us and continue to look out for new games being added each month.
If you are unable to locate a game from a desktop on mobile, then it is not available for the app or mobile.
Do I need to download all the games?
Not all games need to be downloaded, the ones that do will have a ‘Download’ option for you to select. The games that require a download will typically provide you with a more stable play experience.
For any further assistance, please contact our friendly Customer Support Team.
How do I search for a game on the app?
First, make sure you have the latest version of our app downloaded.
For iOS and Android, simply tap on 'Search' located at the bottom of the screen and begin to type out the game title for the game you are looking for. As you type, the related results will begin to appear and then you can select your favorite game!