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Why am I getting a white screen when I load the game on my mobile or tablet?
Some of our games are supplied by 3rd party providers. If they are experiencing any network issues you may have problems accessing the games. We suggest you wait and try again later, or clear cache from your device. Alternatively, perhaps you can try out one of our other great games on site!
In order to resolve any freezing, disconnection, or display errors when playing on your device, it may be beneficial to delete the App and then re-download it. This works similarly to clearing cache and cookies on a computer and allows our App to load up completely afresh.
For instructions on how to delete the app, please click here.
Please rest assured that the App is completely free to download and that your account details (along with any winnings, deposits, or bonuses) will still be saved securely, and will not be deleted along with the App.
If the problem persists, please do not hesitate in contacting us so that we can raise the issue with our 3rd party provider.